What Happened
You have opened a trade on the OTC market, write or buy.
ERC20 tokens from both parties are now locked into a call option until you either cancel it or it expires. As writer, you can only cancel a call or put option before it is bought on the OTC market.
Once bought you can no longer cancel it.
You have the option to:
Request Topup
Request Zap
Zap Request
Zap - speed up the settlement or conclusion of the deal - settle now.
This means both parties agree to settle the deal now and current token price levels, and with current hedge profit or loss.
Either party can request during a deal before it expires, the other party has to agree.
Once agreed the call option automatically settles. The party who was in profit is awarded the pay off that's due based on current token prices compared to the strike price. Expiry is totally disregarded.
Topup Request
Topup - increase the collateral in the hedge, this can be underlying asset or cost.
Either party can request a topup to the other party.
Once a request is accepted by the other party, the collateral locked in the deal is debited from the parties balances and locked into the hedge.
Last updated
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