Protocol Income

Neon Protocol's income streams are based on the real yield.

This protocol earns and rewards it's investors only using Real Yield. The following streams of income exist for Neon Protocol;

  • Buy /Sell Tax

  • Cashier Fees- Protocol ERC20 Deposit and Withdrawal fee

  • Commission from Native Hedge Liquidity

  • Commission from Native Loan Collateral

Buy /Sell Tax

NEON token will be traded on DEX with buy and sell fees for every swap. These fees like most projects, will be converted to the paired currency and then allocated to protocol growth.

50% will go towards project development.

50% will go towards revenue sharing or deflating the token supply.

Cashier Fees

Neon Protocol accepts deposits and withdrawals of any ERC20 token. Inspired by Unicrypts vault. Tokens first have to be deposited to the protocol in order for wallets to write, take, settle deals.

All ERC20 token withdrawals are taxed by the protocol. They are converted to base currency and allocated towards revenue sharing just like Buy /Sell Tax above.

Commission - Hedge Liquidity

By enabling projects and their investors to hedge their native token on our protocol, we add value to their ecosystem and in turn charge a fee on the settlement pay-offs.

See Native Hedge Liquidity

Commission - Loan Collateral

By enabling projects and their investors to use their native tokens as loan collateral on our protocol, we are able to bring native lending volume from almost any ERC20 token to our protocol. In turn we charge a fee on the settlement pay-off.

See Native Loan Collateral

Last updated