Our tool suite comes with proprietary freedom enabling features.
Our proprietary DynamicPact features allow for the adjustment of deal terms after the deal has started running. Through Zap Requests or Topup Requests, parties can consensually modify collateral, costs, and expiry dates.
Once a hedge has been taken or starts running, it can't be cancelled, but our users have the option to modify it mid term in order to manage their trading strategies.
Top-up Request
Zap Request
Zap Request:
A Zap Request is a handy feature that speeds up settlement by setting the expiry date to the present moment. It's particularly useful when a deal isn't going well, and both parties just want to move on from it. This means they agree to settle the deal immediately, based on the current market prices, and deal with any resulting profit or loss.
Anyone involved in the deal can initiate a Zap Request before it officially expires. However, it only becomes official when the other party agrees to it, a process known as Zap consensus, which updates the expiry date to the present.
Users must note that accepting Zap Requests is entirely voluntary; the other party can't be compelled to comply.
Topup Request: Strengthening Collateral
A Topup Request allows for the addition of more collateral to the deal, whether it's by increasing the amount of the underlying asset or raising the cost. Either party in the deal can request a topup from the other.
If the request is accepted, the necessary collateral is deducted from both parties' balances and securely locked into the deal, ensuring a solid collateral position.
Last updated
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