P/L Calculations

This page details some trade scenarios to illustrate how we calculate profit or loss on trades.


  • We simulate the outcome of a hedge, we don't facilitate traditional hedging procedure.

  • Strike Price

  • Underlying Value of tokens is the value of tokens * token price in pair currency

  • Cost is premium and always in the paired currency of the underlying asset

  • No Risk-Free Interest Rate charged

  • No Implied Volatility imposed

  • Tokens are lockedInUse when a trade is written, or when Taker takes trade.


Call Options


Trade Creation

Trade Taking

Trade Running

Trade Settlement

4ETHāˆ’2ETH=2ETH4 ETH - 2 ETH = 2 ETH

Owed = Start Value - Strike Value.

Start Value = Token Price * Token Amount

Strike Value = Strike Price * Token Amount

2ETH/GPUpricePerToken2ETH / GPU price Per Token

Put Options


Trade Creation

Trade Taking

Trade Running

Trade Settlement

1ETHāˆ’0.25ETH=0.85ETH1 ETH - 0.25 ETH = 0.85 ETH

Owed = Strike Value - Start Value.

Start Value = Token Price * Token Amount

Strike Value = Strike Price * Token Amount Equivalent in GPU

Equity Swaps


Trade Creation

Trade Taking

Trade Running

Trade Settlement

CurrentUnderlyingValueāˆ’StartingValueCurrentUnderlyingValue - StartingValue

Note: If the price was to go down 10X, then DegenX would owe Capo

Last updated


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