How to Stake
XEON tokens are the native ERC20 token at the center of our ecosystem.
XEON holders can stake their tokens to both empower the protocol whilst also earning rewards for their contribution to the protocol's growth.
Staking XEON tokens enables us to define clear farming strategies available for our investors.
We have a separate staking contract for our native token NEON. Enabling wallets to:
Stake XEON
Assign Staked XEON
Unassign Staked XEON
Unstake XEON
Stake XEON
Our Beta approach to staking locks the staking pool in 30 day cycles. During which staking, unstaking, assigning and unassigning is disabled. This simplifies staking and gives the protocol the ability to create fixed term investments in the ecosystem using the staked tokens.
30 day cycles are then followed by 3 day stakeWindow periods before another 30 day lock cycle begins. The 3 day windows are called stakeWindow. During which staking, unstaking, assigning and unassigning is allowed.
The owner starts this contract once and it gives investors 3 days to stake and assign tokens before the 30 day lock cycle starts.
The owner is the only one who can set a new nextUnstakeDay - which is the day the next 30 day cycle expires. This can only be done once during the stakeWindow.
Assign Staked XEON
Only during stakeWindow.
After a wallet stakes tokens, you then need to decide which assignment pool you want to assign a specific portion of your staked tokens to.
Investors can assign tokens to use in:
Liquidity - Native Equity Swaps and Options Liquidity
Collateral - Lending collateral for the protocol to access funding in the ecosystem.
Mining - Incentivizing how hedges / trades / deals are awarded to a miner for settlement.
By assigning tokens you then earn a portion of the revenue generated by tokens in that pool. See revenue for how it is generated and moved for sharing.
Investors determine whats lucrative for them based on the earning prospects of each pool. The pools are created in such a way that investor tokens are not at risk as they earn.
Assigned tokens are staked first, this means you still earn general staking dividends.
Unassign Staked XEON
Only during stakeWindow.
Investors can pull out of assignment pools and have tokens back in the general staking pool. You will lose all income from the pools your tokens were assigned to, but still earn general staking dividends.
Tokens are still staked at this point.
Unstake XEON
Only during stakeWindow.
A wallet can unstake tokens from our smart contract only during stakeWindow, and have them moved into their wallet.
Last updated
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